Source code for fconcrete.StructuralConcrete.AvailableMaterials

import numpy as np
from math import sin, tan,  pi
from fconcrete.StructuralConcrete.Concrete import Concrete

[docs]class AvailableLongConcreteSteelBar: """ Define the available longitudinal steel bars. You can set the available diameters, cost_by_meter, fyw, E, etc. See more information in fc.AvailableLongConcreteSteelBar() docstring. For example, AvailableLongConcreteSteelBar([8]) means: - 8mm diameter; - 0.5cmˆ2 area; - R$2.0575 by meter cost; - fyw equal to 50kN/cmˆ2; - Young Modulus (E) is 21000kN/cmˆ2; - Max number of steel in the section is 200; - Surface type is ribbed. """ def __init__(self, diameters=[8], diameters_to_area={ 6.3: 0.315, 8: 0.5, 10: 0.8, 12.5: 1.25, 16: 2, 20: 3.15, 25: 5, 32: 8, }, cost_by_meter={ 6.3: 15.39/12, 8: 24.69/12, 10: 36.89/12, 12.5: 54.79/12, 16: 89.79/12, 20: 140.29/12, 25: 219.09/12, 32: 402.39/12, }, fyw = 50, E = 21000, max_number=200, surface_type="ribbed"): """ Returns a AvailableLongConcreteSteelBar instance. Parameters ---------- diameter : list of number, optional Possible list of diameter in cm. diameters_to_area : dict, optional For each diameter (key), set the value of the area. cost_by_meter : dict, optional For each diameter (key), set the of cost by meter. fyw : number, optional Define the characteristic resistance of the steel in kN/cmˆ2. E : number, optional Define the Young Modulus (E) in kN/cmˆ2 Default is 21000kN/cmˆ2. max_number : int, optional Max number of steel in the section. Default is 200. surface_type : {'ribbed', 'plain', 'carved'}, optional Surface type of the steel. Default is ribbed. """ try: areas = [diameters_to_area[diameter] for diameter in diameters] except: raise Exception("Must provide a valid diameter to area dict") fyd = fyw/1.15 diameters = np.array(diameters) areas = np.array(areas) diameters_loop = np.tile(diameters/10, max_number-1) # Single steel bar use not allowed, that is why range starts at 2 areas_loop = np.concatenate([ areas*(i) for i in range(2, max_number+1)]) number_of_bars = areas_loop/np.tile(areas,max_number-1) table_of_positive_steel = np.stack((number_of_bars, diameters_loop, areas_loop), axis=1) table_of_negative_steel = np.stack((number_of_bars, -diameters_loop, -1*areas_loop), axis=1) table_of_positive_and_negative_steel = np.vstack([table_of_negative_steel, table_of_positive_steel]) table = np.array(table_of_positive_and_negative_steel[ table_of_positive_and_negative_steel[:,2].argsort() ]) self.table = table self.fyw = fyw self.fyd = fyd self.E = E self.diameters = diameters self.diameters_to_area = diameters_to_area self.surface_type = surface_type self.cost_by_meter = cost_by_meter
[docs]class AvailableTransvConcreteSteelBar: """ Define the available transversal steel bars. You can set the available diameters, cost_by_meter, fyw, E, etc. See more information in fc.AvailableTransvConcreteSteelBar docstring. Default AvailableTransvConcreteSteelBar([8]) which means: - 8mm diameter; - 0.5cmˆ2 area; - R$2.0575 by meter cost; - The longitudinal space between transversal steel are multiple of 5; - fyw equal to 50kN/cmˆ2; - Transversal bar inclination angle of 90 degrees; - Tilt angle of compression struts of 45 degrees. """ def __init__(self, diameters=[8], diameters_to_area={ 6.3: 0.315, 8: 0.5, 10: 0.8, 12.5: 1.25, 16: 2, 20: 3.15, 25: 5, 32: 8, }, cost_by_meter={ 6.3: 15.39/12, 8: 24.69/12, 10: 36.89/12, 12.5: 54.79/12, 16: 89.79/12, 20: 140.29/12, 25: 219.09/12, 32: 402.39/12, }, space_is_multiple_of=[5], fyw = 50, inclination_angle = 90, ): """ Returns a AvailableLongConcreteSteelBar instance. Parameters ---------- diameter : list of number, optional Possible list of diameter in cm. diameters_to_area : dict, optional For each diameter (key), set the value of the area. cost_by_meter : dict, optional For each diameter (key), set the of cost by meter. space_is_multiple_of : list of number, optional The longitudinal spaces between transversal steel is multiple of the number of space_is_multiple_of list. Default is [5]. fyw : number, optional Define the characteristic resistance of the steel in kN/cmˆ2. inclination_angle : number, optional Transversal bar inclination angle in degrees. Default is 90 degrees. """ try: areas = [diameters_to_area[diameter] for diameter in diameters] except: raise Exception("Must provide a valid diameter to area dict") possible_spaces = np.array([]) for multiple in space_is_multiple_of: possible_spaces = np.concatenate((possible_spaces,multiple*np.arange(1,30))) possible_spaces = np.unique(possible_spaces[possible_spaces <= 30]) areas = [ diameters_to_area[diameter] for diameter in diameters ] diameters_loop = np.tile(diameters, len(possible_spaces))/10 spaces_loop = np.repeat(possible_spaces, len(diameters)) areas_loop = 2*np.tile(areas, len(possible_spaces)) table = np.transpose([ diameters_loop, spaces_loop, areas_loop, areas_loop/spaces_loop ]) fyd = fyw/1.15 diameters = np.array(diameters) self.fyw = fyw self.fyd = fyd self.table = table[table[:,3].argsort()] self.diameters = diameters self.diameters_to_area = diameters_to_area self.cost_by_meter = cost_by_meter self.inclination_angle = inclination_angle
[docs]class AvailableConcrete(): """ Define the available concrete. You can set the available fck, cost_by_m3, aggressiveness and aggregate. See more information in fc.AvailableConcrete docstring. For example, AvailableConcrete() means: - 30 MPa; - R$353.30 by meterˆ3; - The aggressiveness is 3; - Aggregate is granite; - Biggest aggregate dimension is 1.5cm. """ def __init__(self, fck=30, cost_by_m3=None, aggressiveness=3, aggregate='granite', biggest_aggregate_dimension=1.5 ): """ Returns a AvailableLongConcreteSteelBar instance. Parameters ---------- fck : number Define the characteristic resistance of the concrete. If it is a number, default unit is MPa, but also [force]/[length]**2 unit can be given. Example: '20kN/cm**2', '10Pa', etc cost_by_m3 : number, optional Cost by mˆ3 of the concrete. If fck is 25, 30, 35 or 40, this value by default is set to 331.65, 353.30, 373.21, 385.36, respectively. aggressiveness : int Aggressiveness value from 1 (very low) to 4 (very height) aggregate : {'basalt', 'diabase', 'granite', 'gneiss', 'limestone', 'sandstone'} Aggregate type. biggest_aggregate_dimension : number, optional Maximum dimension characteristic of the biggest aggregate, in cm. Default value is 1.5. """ if cost_by_m3 == None: try: cost_by_m3_dict = { 25: 331.65, 30: 353.30, 35: 373.21, 40: 385.36 } cost_by_m3 = cost_by_m3_dict[fck] except: raise Exception("Please, provide cost for concrete with {}MPa".format(fck)) self.fck = fck self.cost_by_m3 = cost_by_m3 self.material = Concrete(str(fck) + " MPa", aggressiveness, aggregate) self.biggest_aggregate_dimension = biggest_aggregate_dimension
[docs]def solve_cost(concrete_beam, decimal_numbers = 2): cost_table = [["Material", "Price", "Quantity", "Unit", "Commentary", "Is Subtotal"]] # Concrete total_concrete_cost = 0 for beam_element in concrete_beam.initial_beam_elements: volume = beam_element.section.area*beam_element.length/1000000 concrete_cost = volume*concrete_beam.available_concrete.cost_by_m3 total_concrete_cost += concrete_cost row = ["Concrete", round(concrete_cost, decimal_numbers), round(volume, decimal_numbers), "m3", "Between {}m and {}m".format(beam_element.n1.x, beam_element.n1.x), False] cost_table = [*cost_table, row] row = ["Concrete", round(total_concrete_cost, 2), round(volume, 2), "m3", "", True] cost_table = [*cost_table, row] # Longitudinal total_long_bar_cost = total_length = 0 for lb in concrete_beam.long_steel_bars: total_long_bar_cost += lb.cost total_length += lb.length row = ["Longitudinal bar", round(lb.cost, decimal_numbers), round(lb.length, decimal_numbers), "m", "Diameter {}mm. Between {}m and {}m".format(abs(lb.diameter*10), round(lb.long_begin,decimal_numbers), round(lb.long_end,decimal_numbers)), False] cost_table = [*cost_table, row] row = ["Longitudinal bar", round(total_long_bar_cost, decimal_numbers), round(total_length, decimal_numbers), "m", "", True] cost_table = [*cost_table, row] # Transversal Bar total_transv_bar_cost = total_length = 0 for lb in concrete_beam.transv_steel_bars: total_transv_bar_cost += lb.cost total_length += lb.length row = ["Transversal bar", round(lb.cost, decimal_numbers), round(lb.length, decimal_numbers), "m", "{}cm x {}cm. Diameter {}mm. Placed in {}m ".format(round(lb.width,decimal_numbers), round(lb.height,decimal_numbers), abs(lb.diameter*10), round(lb.x,decimal_numbers)), False] cost_table = [*cost_table, row] row = ["Transversal bar", round(total_transv_bar_cost, decimal_numbers), round(total_length, decimal_numbers), "m", "", True] cost_table = np.array([*cost_table, row]) is_subtotal = cost_table[:, 5] is_subtotal = is_subtotal != "False" subtotal_table = cost_table[is_subtotal, :] return total_concrete_cost + total_transv_bar_cost + total_long_bar_cost, cost_table, subtotal_table