ConcreteBeam Usage ExampleΒΆ

How to create a beam:

In [1]: import fconcrete as fc

In [2]: n1 = fc.Node.SimpleSupport(x=0, length=20)

In [3]: n2 = fc.Node.SimpleSupport(x=400, length=20)

In [4]: f1 = fc.Load.UniformDistributedLoad(-0.6, x_begin=0, x_end=400)

In [5]: concrete_beam = fc.ConcreteBeam(
   ...:     loads = [f1],
   ...:     nodes = [n1, n2],
   ...:     section = fc.Rectangle(30,80),
   ...:     division = 200
   ...: )

You can use all properties and methods of the ConcreteBeam Class including Beam Class such as plot shear diagram, momentum, etc. See examples in Beam usage example.

See general information:

In [6]: print("Cost of the concrete beam, in reais: ", concrete_beam.cost)
Cost of the concrete beam, in reais:  514.18070291349

In [7]: print("Processing time of the concrete beam, in seconds: ", concrete_beam.processing_time)
Processing time of the concrete beam, in seconds:  0.19125866889953613

In [8]: print(concrete_beam.cost_table)
[['Material' 'Price' 'Quantity' 'Unit' 'Commentary' 'Is Subtotal']
 ['Concrete' '339.17' '0.96' 'm3' 'Between 0.0m and 0.0m' 'False']
 ['Concrete' '339.17' '0.96' 'm3' '' 'True']
 ['Longitudinal bar' '56.78' '459.98' 'm'
  'Diameter 8.0mm. Between -56.68m and 456.68m' 'False']
 ['Longitudinal bar' '14.31' '347.74' 'm'
  'Diameter 8.0mm. Between -0.56m and 400.56m' 'False']
 ['Longitudinal bar' '12.34' '299.82' 'm'
  'Diameter 8.0mm. Between 23.4m and 376.6m' 'False']
 ['Longitudinal bar' '9.86' '239.52' 'm'
  'Diameter 8.0mm. Between 53.56m and 346.44m' 'False']
 ['Longitudinal bar' '3.03' '147.06' 'm'
  'Diameter 8.0mm. Between 99.79m and 300.21m' 'False']
 ['Longitudinal bar' '96.31' '1494.11' 'm' '' 'True']
 ['Transversal bar' '4.63' '225.0' 'm'
  '22.0cm x 72.0cm. Diameter 8.0mm. Placed in 0.0m ' 'False']
 ['Transversal bar' '4.63' '225.0' 'm'
  '22.0cm x 72.0cm. Diameter 8.0mm. Placed in 25.0m ' 'False']
 ['Transversal bar' '4.63' '225.0' 'm'
  '22.0cm x 72.0cm. Diameter 8.0mm. Placed in 50.0m ' 'False']
 ['Transversal bar' '4.63' '225.0' 'm'
  '22.0cm x 72.0cm. Diameter 8.0mm. Placed in 75.0m ' 'False']
 ['Transversal bar' '4.63' '225.0' 'm'
  '22.0cm x 72.0cm. Diameter 8.0mm. Placed in 100.0m ' 'False']
 ['Transversal bar' '4.63' '225.0' 'm'
  '22.0cm x 72.0cm. Diameter 8.0mm. Placed in 125.0m ' 'False']
 ['Transversal bar' '4.63' '225.0' 'm'
  '22.0cm x 72.0cm. Diameter 8.0mm. Placed in 150.0m ' 'False']
 ['Transversal bar' '4.63' '225.0' 'm'
  '22.0cm x 72.0cm. Diameter 8.0mm. Placed in 175.0m ' 'False']
 ['Transversal bar' '4.63' '225.0' 'm'
  '22.0cm x 72.0cm. Diameter 8.0mm. Placed in 200.0m ' 'False']
 ['Transversal bar' '4.63' '225.0' 'm'
  '22.0cm x 72.0cm. Diameter 8.0mm. Placed in 225.0m ' 'False']
 ['Transversal bar' '4.63' '225.0' 'm'
  '22.0cm x 72.0cm. Diameter 8.0mm. Placed in 250.0m ' 'False']
 ['Transversal bar' '4.63' '225.0' 'm'
  '22.0cm x 72.0cm. Diameter 8.0mm. Placed in 275.0m ' 'False']
 ['Transversal bar' '4.63' '225.0' 'm'
  '22.0cm x 72.0cm. Diameter 8.0mm. Placed in 300.0m ' 'False']
 ['Transversal bar' '4.63' '225.0' 'm'
  '22.0cm x 72.0cm. Diameter 8.0mm. Placed in 325.0m ' 'False']
 ['Transversal bar' '4.63' '225.0' 'm'
  '22.0cm x 72.0cm. Diameter 8.0mm. Placed in 350.0m ' 'False']
 ['Transversal bar' '4.63' '225.0' 'm'
  '22.0cm x 72.0cm. Diameter 8.0mm. Placed in 375.0m ' 'False']
 ['Transversal bar' '4.63' '225.0' 'm'
  '22.0cm x 72.0cm. Diameter 8.0mm. Placed in 400.0m ' 'False']
 ['Transversal bar' '78.7' '3825.0' 'm' '' 'True']]

Plot longitudinal informations:

# Longitudinal steel
In [9]: concrete_beam.long_steel_bars.plot(prop='area_accumulated')
# Transversal steel
In [10]: concrete_beam.transv_steel_bars.plotLong()

Plot transversal section:

In [11]: concrete_beam.plotTransversalInX(200)
(<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>,
 <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fe553106dd8>)